The Board of Directors of Togliattiazot on May 4, 2017 unanimously elected Petr Ordzhonikidze as the Chairman of the Board.
The Board has also elected members of the committees for strategy and investments. Alexander Makarov, Christopher Baker and Vyacheslav Suslov were elected to the Committee for Strategy with Mr Makarov as a Chairman. Christopher Baker, Nikolay Neplyuev and Petr Ordzhonikidze were elected to the Committee for Investments with Mr Baker as a Chairman.
The Board of Directors was elected on April 29, 2017 at the AGM. Alexander Makarov, Nikolay Neplyuev, Petr Ordzhonikidze, Vyacheslav Suslov and Christopher Loomis Baker became members of the Board.
Petr Ordzhonikidze bio:
Petr Ordzhonikidze is an expert in public law, administrative practice, and international institutional and government relations.
Mr Ordzhonikidze has started his career in 1994, worked at a major commercial bank, was involved in an oil and gas business and joined Macleod Dixon LLP law firm in 1997. Between 2003 and 2007 he headed the Russian office of Cassidy & Associates, the leading international GR firm. Mr Ordzhonikidze is currently the Chairman of the Partners’ Committee at Kesarev Consulting.
He has been the member of the Board of Directors of Togliattiazot since 2012.
Petr Ordzhonikidze graduated in law from the Moscow State Law Academy in 1995 and continued his post-graduate studies at TMC Asser Institute in The Hague.
Petr was born in 1972 in New York in a family of a prominent Russian diplomat.
Married, two sons.
TOAZ completed the second stage of ammonia unit 2 overhaul project.
The Samara Regional Court supported the sentence passed by the Krasnoglinsky District Court in Samara on convicting E. Sedykin.
ToAZ has completed overhaul repair of ammonia unit No. 5 and brought it to design capacity.