ToAZ had to fully cease transporting ammonia via Ukraine starting December 23, 2016. Togliattiazot’s request for extension of quotas to pump ammonia until the end of 2016 was denied by Ukrkhimtransammiak.
Earlier, the Higher Administrative Court of Ukraine (HACU) satisfied the cassation appeal of ToAZ related to the dispute with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. HACU declared invalid the order of the Ministry No. 1003 “On Surcharge on Tariffs on Ammonia Transit by Pipeline Transport via the Territory of Ukraine” dated August 18, 2015. The transportation surcharge worth over 8 US dollars per ton was in force for almost a year was cancelled.
At present, Togliattiazot is negotiating compensation of money it overpaid due to the wrongful imposition of a surcharge by Ukrkhimtransammiak.
ToAZ had to fully cease transporting ammonia via Ukraine starting December 23, 2016.
Ukrainian transit surcharge illegal Togliattiazot proves in court.
In the first 9 months of 2016, ToAZ produced over 2.24 million tonnes of ammonia, increased its output by 8.9%.