Board of Directors of JSC Togliattiazot (the Company) at its meeting convened on December 29, 2015 set a date to conduct an AGM.
The AGM will take place on February 21, 2016 in the assembly hall of Togliattiazot plant office at 32, Povolzhskoye Shosse, Togliatti, Russia. The meeting will start at 8 am, with registration starting at 7 am.
JSC Togliattiazot AGM’s agenda includes the following items:
1. Election of the members of the Board of Directors of the company;
2. Approval of the company’s annual report for 2014;
3. Approval of annual financials for 2014, including P&L statement of the company;
4. Approval of profit (loss) distribution scheme (including payment (and announcement) of dividends), remuneration of the members of the Board and Audit commission for their work in 2014;
5. Election of the members of the Audit commission of the Company;
6. Approval of the Auditing company for JSC Togliattiazot.
The list of shareholders authorized for participation in the AGM is to be compiled as of January 9, 2016.
Board of Directors of JSC Togliattiazot (the Company) at its meeting convened on December 29, 2015 set a date to conduct an AGM.
ToAZ has been honored two straight years as the winner of the annual all-Russia Leader of Environment Protection competition.
Corporation Togliattiazots CJSC, performing the functions of a sole executive body of Togliattiazot OJSC informs of cancellation of agreement with Credit Mediterranee SA fund in regards with the sale of majority stake in Togliattiazot OJSC.